The Roadmap to Run Your Business With Soul & Service That You've Been Waiting For...
✨ The Money Magnet Mantra Meditation MP3 & PDF
(Value $33)
✨ The Soul Marketing Ritual MP3 & Workbook
(Value $33)
✨ The Forgiveness Practice
(Value $33)
✨ The Soul Marketing Sales Call Masterclass
(Value $297)
✨ The Channel Your Soul Genius Masterclass
(Value $297)
✨ The "Go LIVE" Challenge
(Value $197)
✨ 2 BONUSES: 40 Minute Path of Least Resistance Masterclass & A Recorded Healing Session with Dr. Linda Brown
(Value $197)
I've packaged up my top soul-based business masterclasses, just for you:
The Goddess Ready to Put Service First and Build a Prosperous, Aligned Business
✨ The Money Magnet Mantra Meditation MP3 & PDF
(Value $33)
✨ The Soul Marketing Ritual MP3 & Workbook
(Value $33)
✨ The Forgiveness Practice
(Value $33)
✨ The Soul Marketing Sales Call Masterclass
(Value $297)
✨ The Channel Your Soul Genius Masterclass
(Value $297)
✨ The "Go LIVE" Challenge
(Value $197)
40 Minute Path of Least Resistance Masterclass &
A Recorded Healing Session with Dr. Linda Brown
(Value $197)
50% Complete